Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Become a Licensed Natural Hair Stylist

I applaud your choice in becoming a hair stylist. Becoming a natural hair stylist is even more commendable because this means you have put your morality in front of your pocket book, not an easy thing to do. My advice to any fledgeling stylist is to be as diverse as you can. Hair is hair..really. And when you can do it all, you become more creative more technically skilled and it will be easier for you to get employment in a salon.

Learn how to confidence to achieve wealth
I hate to see all these 'kitchen' beauticians in our sector of the beauty industry. We are made to feel guilty for charging for our craft and everyone from, nun's to psychotherapists has a how-to video up on You Tube demonstrating how to care for natural hair. natural hair is becoming more popular than ever but it is also giving birth to more nonprofessional than I have ever seen before. Go to beauty school, get your degree,diploma, license to start this career path armed with the business skills and professionalism needed to command an above average salary(if that is the goal). I wish someone would have pushed me to do the hair shows and continue classes when I was starting out.

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